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What is Anal Leakage?

Anal leakage, or fecal incontinence, is the involuntary discharge of bowel contents, including gas, mucus, liquid stool, or solid stool from the rectum. It can range from occasional minor leaks to a complete loss of bowel control.

While it can be an uncomfortable and often embarrassing problem, it’s important to recognize that fecal incontinence is a common issue, affecting about one in 10 adults. Anal leakage can occur at any age, but it is more common in women and people over 65. 

It may be difficult to discuss fecal incontinence, but speaking with a doctor about anal leakage treatments can improve the condition and your quality of life.

The Difference between Anal Leakage and Anal Seepage

Though anal leakage and anal seepage are terms that are often used interchangeably, they can refer to slightly different conditions. 

Anal leakage refers to any unintentional loss of stool, whether solid, liquid, or gas, from the rectum. Anal leakage can occur due to a variety of underlying issues.

Anal seepage typically describes the unintentional release of small amounts of stool or mucus, often resulting in staining underwear. It is usually a less severe form of fecal incontinence.

What Causes Anal Leakage?

Several factors contribute to anal leakage, and for some people, there is more than one cause attributing to the condition. A few causes of anal leakage include:

  • Muscle injury: Childbirth, surgery, or trauma may damage the muscles around the pelvic floor, rectum, or anus. 
  • Nerve Damage: Conditions such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, or spinal cord injuries can affect the nerves that control bowel movements.
  • Diarrhea: Frequent, loose, and watery stools can be difficult to control, leading to leakage.
  • Constipation: Chronic constipation can stretch and weaken the rectal muscles, resulting in leakage of liquid stool around hard stool.
  • Hemorrhoids: Swollen veins in the rectum or anus can interfere with the closure of the anal sphincter.
  • Aging: The muscles and nerves controlling the bowel can weaken with age, leading to incontinence.

What are the Symptoms of Anal Leakage?

The symptoms of anal leakage can vary depending on the severity of the condition and its underlying cause. It is important to note that there are two different types of fecal incontinence:

Urge incontinence is when a strong urge to have a bowel movement appears all of a sudden. The urge comes on so suddenly that the person is unable to make it to the bathroom in time. 

Passive incontinence is when someone has a bowel movement and is unaware of the passing stool.

Common symptoms of fecal incontinence include:

  • The unintentional release of gas, mucus, or stool 
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Sudden urges to go to the bathroom
  • Soiling underwear

Treating Anal Leakage

There are a variety of treatments for anal leakage, depending on the underlying causes and the severity of the condition. 

  • Dietary Changes: Increasing fiber intake can help manage both diarrhea and constipation, improving stool consistency and bowel regularity.
  • Medications: Antidiarrheal drugs, stool softeners, or laxatives can be prescribed to manage bowel movements.
  • Pelvic Floor Exercises: These exercises can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve bowel control.
  • Biofeedback Therapy: This technique helps patients learn to control their pelvic floor muscles through feedback from sensors.
  • Surgical Options: In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair damaged sphincter muscles or address rectal prolapse.
  • Sacral neuromodulation: This is a device implanted just underneath the skin of the pelvis above the buttocks, which emits electrical pulses to adjust neural activity controlling the bowels.

Finding Treatment at the Incontinence Institute 

Anal leakage is a common condition that can significantly impact your quality of life. Understanding its causes, recognizing the symptoms, and seeking appropriate treatment are crucial steps in managing this condition.

If you experience symptoms of anal leakage, contact our team for an evaluation and personalized treatment plan. Remember, you are not alone, and effective treatments are available to help you regain control and confidence.

Sacral Neuromodulation Therapy for Incontinence with MS

Urinary and bowel incontinence is a serious problem that affects many older adults. It can also be an issue for people with multiple sclerosis (MS). MS damages the nerves, which send messages to your bladder or bowel muscles. As a result, it becomes harder to control them.

Sacral neuromodulation (SNM) therapy involves implanting a device that sends electrical pulses to your nerves. They help restore communication between your nerves and your brain. This helps control bladder and bowel movement.

Exploring SNM therapy nuances can help you understand whether this treatment is suitable for your condition.

What Is Sacral Neuromodulation Therapy?

The sacral nerves transmit sensory information from your pelvic organs to the brain and back. They help regulate bladder and bowel function, including storage and elimination of waste. When the sacral nerves sustain damage due to multiple sclerosis, they stop working properly.

Sacral neuromodulation therapy involves implanting a special device that adjusts impulses in sacral nerves. The implant consists of three parts:

  • A pulse generator: a device similar to a pacemaker, which is implanted under your skin in the upper buttocks or lower back area.
  • Leads: thin wires that carry electrical impulses from the pulse generator to the sacral nerves.
  • Remote: a small remote you can use to adjust how much stimulation the pulse generator is providing.

Before undergoing sacral neuromodulation therapy, you would have to go through a trial period. During this period, the surgeon inserts a temporary lead to check whether the treatment works for you. If the trial is successful, you can install a permanent sacral neuromodulation implant.

Sacral modulation therapy has a high success rate for people who live with MS. Studies demonstrate that 80% of the patients experience significant improvements.

However, not all MS patients with incontinence are suitable candidates for the procedure. You need to consult your healthcare provider to find out if this option is right for you.

Sacral Neuromodulation Surgery 

If the trial phase of the SNM therapy is successful, you can undergo surgical implantation. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia. The steps include:

  • Making a small incision in the upper buttocks or lower back area to implant the neuromodulation device
  • Placing the lead wires next to the sacral nerves, which are located at the base of the spine

Once the device is implanted, the surgeon tests it to make sure it’s functioning properly. They also program the implant to deliver the appropriate level of stimulation.

The impanation surgery, which lasts around 30 minutes, is done on an outpatient basis. The majority of patients return to normal activities in a few days.

What Is Axonics Sacral Neuromodulation Therapy?

Axonics sacral neuromodulation therapy is a type of sacral neuromodulation therapy that involves implanting a pulse generator created by Axonics Modulation Technologies.

One of the notable features of the Axonics system is its long-lived rechargeable battery. This battery, which you need to recharge once a month, can last up to 15 years. This reduces the need for frequent replacement surgeries.

Another popular sacral neuromodulation implant is the InterStim implant. Unlike the Axonics implant, it doesn’t require recharging. However, you need to replace it every five years.

If you are a good candidate for sacral neuromodulation therapy, your healthcare provider can help you choose the most suitable implant for your needs.  

Battling Your Incontinence Problems with Sacral Neuromodulation Therapy 

If you live with MS and have urinary or fecal incontinence that doesn’t respond to conservative treatment, you might benefit from SNM therapy.

At Incontinence Institute, we have a team of surgeons and therapists with extensive experience in implanting different types of sacral neuromodulation devices. Our goal is to improve your quality of life.

To learn whether you are a good candidate for the procedure, schedule an appointment with our medical team today.

Artificial Urinary Sphincters Vs. Other Urinary Incontinence Treatment Options

Urinary incontinence affects millions of men and women worldwide. Whether it begins after surgical treatment, with age, or due to a neurological disorder, this condition can decrease your quality of life tremendously. Since many urinary incontinence treatment options exist, it may be hard to choose the right one for your needs.

Before you schedule a consultation with a urologist, consider taking the time to explore the available choices. One of the most common treatment methods is an artificial urinary sphincter (AUS). Understanding how it works and comparing it to other options can help you make an educated decision.

Artificial Urinary Sphincters (AUS)

The artificial urinary sphincter mimics the natural function of the urinary sphincter muscle. It consists of three components:

  • A cuff that encircles the urethra
  • A pressure-regulating balloon placed in the abdomen
  • Control pump in the scrotum or labia

When you need to urinate, you press the control pump to deflate the cuff so the urine can flow. After urination, the cuff automatically inflates to prevent leakage.

The surgical procedure for AUS implantation involves implanting the cuff and pressure-regulating balloon in the body. It’s performed under general anesthesia.

Around 80% of people who take advantage of AUS see a reduction in symptoms of urinary incontinence.

Other Urinary Incontinence Treatments

While AUS is an effective treatment option, you can also benefit from other approaches.  Some of them are:

Non-surgical Options 

  • Lifestyle modifications – managing fluid intake, avoiding bladder irritants like caffeine and alcohol, and maintaining a healthy weight
  • Medications – anticholinergic drugs and alpha blockers to relax the bladder muscles and hormones to improve the work of the urethral sphincter
  • Behavioral therapies – bladder training, pelvic floor exercises, and urge suppression strategies

Surgical Alternatives

  • Male sling procedures – placing a sling around the urethra to move it to another position
  • Urethral bulking agents – injectable materials to strengthen tissues surrounding the urethra so it can closer better
  • Other surgical interventions – bladder neck suspension, sacral nerve stimulation, posterior tibial nerve stimulation, or urinary diversion

Comparing Effectiveness and Patient Considerations 

AUS demonstrates high success rates in treating urinary incontinence, especially for patients with severe stress urinary incontinence and intrinsic sphincter deficiency. However, compared to non-surgical options, AUS implantation involves surgical risks such as infection and devise erosion.

While non-surgical treatments may provide symptom relief, the effectiveness of these options can vary depending on many factors. The main considerations include the cause of the condition, the age of the patient, and the severity of the incontinence.

Another important factor to think about is treatment costs. For example, AUS implantation may involve higher initial costs but could lead to long-term savings on ongoing symptom management.

Surgical treatments usually provide faster relief than non-surgical alternatives do. While recovery time is involved, they allow you to return to daily activities with confidence. Non-surgical options often involve lifestyle modifications that may not always be suitable.

Patient Selection and Suitability

While each treatment option has its pros and cons, the final decision is up to the urologist and the patient. Your doctor will evaluate all the factors, including:

  • Medical history
  • The severity of the condition
  • Your lifestyle preferences

The key to achieving success with urinary continence treatment is a personalized approach to each patient. What works well for one person may not fix the problem for another, and vice versa.

Find Incontinence Treatment in Middle Tennessee 

Artificial urinary sphincters have a high success rate. However, other surgical and non-surgical options can prove to be viable alternatives. To find the best treatment for your needs, you need a personalized approach from a qualified medical professional.

At Incontinence Institute, we have a team of experienced urologists who have helped hundreds of patients with urinary incontinence improve their quality of life. To take advantage of their expertise, get in touch with our medical concierge today.

Comparing Solutions for Incontinence After Prostate Surgery

When you undergo prostate surgery, one of the potential side effects is urinary incontinence. The prostate’s proximity to the bladder and urethra requires the surgeon to practice extreme precision. Slight damage to the nerves and muscles of the bladder, urethra, or urethral sphincter during the procedure could cause urinary incontinence.

For the majority of men, incontinence after prostate surgery is temporary. It goes away within the first year. For others, it may continue for a longer period. Exploring effective solutions to this problem can help you improve your quality of life.

Non-Invasive Incontinence Solutions

To speed up recovery from prostate surgery, your doctor may recommend several non-invasive solutions, including:

  • Pelvic floor exercisespelvic muscle floor training (PMFT) can improve urinary control and reduce leakage. The most well-known PMFT type is Kegel exercises.
  • Dietary modifications – to keep your bladder under control, you may have to avoid such irritants as caffeine and alcohol.
  • Bladder training techniques – such techniques as scheduled voiding or delayed urination can “train” the bladder to hold urine for longer periods to prevent leakage episodes.

The key to ensuring the success of these solutions is implementing them regularly according to the doctor’s recommendations.  

External Incontinence Solutions

External solutions are also a non-invasive approach to incontinence after prostate surgery. They are:

  • Penile clamps – these external clamps put pressure on the urethra and compensate for the improper work of the urethral sphincter.
  • External catheters – also known as condom catheters, these devices collect urine through a sheath placed over the penis.
  • Absorbent pads and diapers – these products protect against unexpected leaks, especially for people with severe forms of incontinence.

While external devices aren’t always convenient, they can make your everyday life easier. Your doctor will help you choose the most suitable option for your needs.

Medications for Incontinence

Some medications may be highly effective in managing incontinence after prostate surgery. They include:

  • Anticholinergic drugs – this medication helps relax the bladder muscles to reduce the feeling of urgency and help the bladder hold more urine.
  • Alpha-blockers – these drugs relax the smooth muscle of the bladder neck and make it easier to urinate.
  • Hormonal therapyserotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors can decrease the symptoms of incontinence by improving the work of the urethral sphincter.

Hormonal therapy is a temporary solution. Before taking advantage of it, you need to discuss the pros and cons with your doctor.

Surgical Treatments for Incontinence

If non-invasive solutions and medications don’t yield the desired results, your doctor may recommend surgical treatment options for incontinence. Some of them may be:

  • Artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) – this device placed around the urethra to control urine flow allows for manual control over urinary function.
  • Urethral sling procedures – the surgeon puts a supportive mesh-like sling around the urethral bulb to compress and move the urethra into another position.
  • Urethral bulking agents – a bulking agent is injected into the wall of the urethra to strengthen its sides and help it seal tightly.

Each one of these procedures has counterindications. That’s why professional medical evaluation is necessary.

Comparing Effectiveness and Further Considerations

To choose the right option for your needs, you have to consider such factors as possible side effects, risks, costs, and success rates.

During a consultation, you and your doctor will discuss the effects these solutions can have on your lifestyle. In many cases, the slight discomfort that some of these options bring is offset by the alleviation of the incontinence issues.

The benefits of each of these solutions can vary from person to person. Before recommending one of them, a medical professional has to consider several factors, including:

  • Medical history
  • Severity of incontinence
  • Age

Your preferences play a major role in the selection of the solution. You would have to consider your lifestyle to make sure the chosen option doesn’t interfere with your daily activities.

Find Post-Prostate Surgery Incontinence Solutions in Middle Tennessee

If you are having incontinence issues after prostate surgery, many treatment options are available. Determining which one is the best for you requires a consultation with an experienced medical professional.

At the Incontinence Institute in Middle Tennessee, we have a team of certified urologists who have experience administering all treatment solutions. We’re focused on finding the most effective, personalized solution for each patient. To schedule a consultation, contact our team and learn more about the treatment options we offer.

Penile Implants and Their Role in Addressing Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a failure to achieve and maintain an erection. It is a highly common condition impacting more than 30 million men in the United States. Causes for ED vary from physical or psychological factors to a combination of both. They include hormonal imbalance, diabetes, obesity, depression, anxiety, and many more.

The psychological impact of erectile dysfunction is tremendous. When faced with ED, many men become depressed. They feel insecure, emasculated, and isolated. The stigma associated with the inability to achieve an erection often keeps men from seeking medical assistance.

Thankfully, many ways to address this condition exist, varying from lifestyle changes to surgery.

Common Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction

The most common options for treating ED are:

  • Phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitors (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra) in the oral form
  • Testosterone therapy may be recommended when blood tests demonstrate low testosterone levels
  • Penile injections or intraurethral medications that improve blood flow to the penis
  • Vacuum erection devices (also called vacuum pumps or penis pumps)

If these methods don’t resolve the issue, your doctor may recommend a surgical approach, otherwise known as implementing a penial implant, or penile prosthesis.

What is a Penile Implant?

A penile implant, or prosthesis, is a surgically inserted device that allows a man to achieve an erection. There are two main types:

Inflatable Implants

Inflatable implants, the most common type of penile prostheses, require the surgical implementation of cylinders inside the penis and a fluid reservoir filled with salt water. Depending on the type of inflatable implant, the reservoir is located either in the abdominal wall (3-piece penile implant) or the scrotum (2-piece penile implant).

To achieve an erection, you can pump fluid from the reservoir into the cylinders inside the penis. Then you can drain the salt water back into the reservoir.

Semirigid Rod Implants

Semirigid rod implants are made of two bendable tubes made of silicone materials or coiled wires. Once they are placed inside the penis, you can bend it in the desired position and achieve an erection.

Assessing the Benefits and Risks of Penile Implants

Similar to other ED treatments, a penile prosthesis has several advantages and disadvantages.


  • Restores erectile function when other methods fail
  • Improves sexual satisfaction
  • Provides a long-term solution for erectile dysfunction
  • Improves self-confidence


  • Surgical procedure required
  • Risk of infection
  • Potential for mechanical failures

Besides infection, such procedures could cause excessive bleeding, scarring, and post-surgical pain and discomfort.

The Surgical Procedure

Penile implant surgery can be done with local or general anesthesia. Once the surgeon administers the anesthesia, they make an incision in the lower abdomen, above the penis base, or the scrotum. The location of the incision depends on the type of implant you are getting.

The doctor will spread the tissue to make space for the implant and insert all of the pieces of the device into the penis. If you are getting an inflatable implant, the surgeon will place a fluid reservoir in the abdomen or the scrotum.

Once the prosthesis is in place, the surgeon will close the incisions using sutures or surgical staples. They may also apply dressings or bandages to aid in the healing process.

The recovery period following the surgery is fairly short. While many patients resume normal activities after one to two weeks, it’s not uncommon to expect to wait six weeks post-surgery to resume sexual activity. Your surgeon will be able to make a formal recommendation.

Make an Informed Decision: Consult the Experts

While a penile prosthesis may be an excellent solution for people who struggle with ED, it may not be the best solution for you. Deciding whether a penile implant can be beneficial for resolving your erectile dysfunction will require a consultation with a professional urologist. Together, you will consider factors like health status, age, personal preferences, and risk tolerance.

At the Incontinence Institute in Middle Tennessee, we have a network of experienced urologists who have helped many patients tackle ED. If you’re interested in learning more, consider visiting our resource on erectile dysfunction.  If you’re ready to take the first step toward resolution, contact our discreet medical concierge to discuss your case and the effective treatment options our team of urologists can provide.

Urinary Incontinence Treatment: Is an Artificial Urinary Sphincter Right for You?

While the exact number may vary based on definition, data suggests that roughly 13 million people experience urinary incontinence. This condition causes you to leak urine involuntarily and significantly impacts your life. 

Fortunately, urinary incontinence is not something you have to fight alone, as various treatment options can help address the condition. One such solution may be an Artificial Urinary Sphincter (AUS).

What Is an Artificial Urinary Sphincter (AUS)?

When it comes to controlling when and where you urinate, the body has a circular, muscular structure called the sphincter that regulates the release of urine from the bladder.

Designed to mimic the sphincter’s functionality, an AUS is a small implantable device that restores your control over the bladder. 

To effectively perform its functions, an artificial urinary sphincter has several components working in tandem. These components include a cuff, a pump, and a reservoir, all working together to replicate the sphincter’s function.

Benefits of Using an Artificial Urinary Sphincter

Beyond causing UTI infections and skin problems, urinary incontinence can have significant psychological and social impacts, leading to isolation, depression, and anxiety.

Fortunately, an AUS offers several benefits that help address these challenges:

  • Effectiveness: Artificial urinary sphincters have high success rates in resolving incontinence issues, and the device typically lasts for many years.
  • Improved Quality of Life: Choosing AUS can restore confidence, enhance comfort, reduce urinary accidents, and reduce reliance on pads.
  • Adjustability: One of the unique advantages of AUS is its adjustability, allowing users to customize the device’s pressure for individual comfort and effectiveness.
  • Safety Profile: There’s an established history of using the device, and continuous improvements have made the procedure safer and more reliable over time.

Risks and Potential Complications of AUS

However, like any medical procedure, AUS is not without its potential drawbacks and risks.

  • Surgical Risks: The implantation of AUS involves surgery, which carries the possibility of infection, bleeding, and anesthesia complications.
  • Device Malfunctions: While rare, AUS can experience mechanical failures over time.
  • Erosion or Tissue Damage: There is a slight risk of the device causing wear and tear on surrounding tissues.
  • Need for Revisions or Replacements: As with any medical device, there’s a lifespan to consider, which may lead to future surgeries for modifications or replacements.
  • Cost and Insurance Considerations: Knowing the potential out-of-pocket costs and the variability in insurance coverage for AUS is important.

Who is a Candidate for AUS?

With as common as urinary incontinence is, and the number of treatment options available, getting an AUS may not be suitable for everyone. While an AUS device is often considered for individuals with severe urinary incontinence, you’ll want to discuss your candidacy with a physician to determine whether other treatment options would be more appropriate.

In understanding your current symptoms, severity, treatment history, and current health of the bladder, a healthcare professional will comprehensively evaluate your options.

Alternatives to AUS

Before settling on an AUS, it’s essential to consider if other treatment options may be more suitable for you. Such medical interventions to consider include:

  • Other Surgical Options: There are alternative surgical procedures, such as bladder sling procedures and the use of bulking agents, that can address urinary incontinence.
  • Non-Surgical Treatments: Non-surgical options include medications and pelvic floor exercises, which may suit some individuals.

Making the Right Choice 

Dealing with urinary incontinence is challenging and can significantly impact your life. We understand that finding a solution is at the top of your priority list. The Incontinence Institute is here to guide you every step of the way. Contact our medical concierge to learn more about artificial urinary sphincters and schedule an appointment with a physician.

The Impact of Hormone Therapy on Urinary Incontinence

Have you been struggling to hold in your urine? You are not alone. According to a study published in the Journal of American Urogynecologic Society, over 60% of adult women in the US suffer from this embarrassing condition. It is known as urinary incontinence (UI) and is a common postmenopausal ailment. Some of its other risk factors include pregnancy and multiple vaginal births.  

One of the treatments you may be recommended for managing UI is hormonal therapy. In addition to treating urinary incontinence, this therapy relieves several other postmenopausal conditions, such as vaginal dryness, night sweats, and hot flashes.  

What Is Hormone Therapy? 

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a form of treatment that involves the administration of hormones, particularly estrogen, progestin (a form of progesterone), or both. A woman’s body stops producing these hormones after menopause, leading to conditions such as urinary incontinence. Reintroducing the hormones in various forms, including pills, patches, creams, and vaginal rings, can help reverse the effects of these ailments. 

Estrogen and the Urinary System

Estrogen is a hormone produced naturally in women within the ovaries. Its functions include: 

  • Keeping the vagina healthy
  • Thickening the lining of the uterus in preparation for implantation
  • Maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol in the blood
  • Assisting in curbing osteoporosis 
  • Influencing the use of calcium in the body 

HRT for Postmenopausal Women

If you are past menopause, getting a hormonal therapy prescription can boost your estrogen levels. Research suggests that it can help lower UI symptoms since more estrogen in the body leads to stronger and more elastic urinary tract tissues. 

HRT for Prostate Cancer Patients

Prostate cancer comes about due to the stimulation of cancer cells by hormones known as androgens. Testosterone is one of the most known androgens. Hormone therapy assists in killing prostate cancer cells or stunting their growth.   

HRT in Gender Transitioning

Hormone therapy helps in aligning an individual’s body with their identity. The treatment is administered to transgender individuals through a process known as gender affirmation, which blocks male hormones while activating the female ones, or vice versa, depending on your preferred gender. 

How Hormone Replacement Therapy Impacts Urinary Incontinence   

The effect that HRT has on UI depends on the kind of treatment conducted. Below is how they vary. 

Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT)

There are two ways of administering this treatment: 

  1. Estrogen therapy. This form of treatment helps in thickening and strengthening the genitourinary tract. By strengthening these tissues, it can lower the symptoms of UI, including stress incontinence and urine leaks.
  2. Combined (estrogen and progestin) therapy. For this mode of treatment, the impact on UI can vary. While estrogen can help reduce the symptoms, progestin can, at times, counteract the benefits gained. 

Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT)

Whereas ADT effectively slows and controls cancer growth, it may have adverse side effects such as urinary incontinence. The treatment resulting in lower testosterone levels could weaken the pelvic floor muscles, leading to UI. As a result, interventions such as pelvic exercises may be necessary in managing UI if you are getting ADT. 

Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy (GAHT) 

The impact of GAHT on urinary incontinence largely depends on the type of hormones used in your procedure. For transgender women (assigned male at birth), the process results in reduced testosterone and thus could lead to relaxed pelvic floor muscles. As a result, you may experience urge incontinence, stress incontinence, and other forms of UI. 

For transgender men (assigned female at birth), the process results in decreased estrogen levels. It may lead to an overactive bladder and problems emptying the bladder

Hormone Therapy Risks and Considerations

While this therapy is beneficial to many women undergoing menopause and those experiencing urinary incontinence due to other reasons, it is also risky. The significant side effects associated with it include: 

  • Mood swings
  • Headaches
  • Breast soreness
  • Bloating
  • Irregular bleeding
  • Water retention
  • Nausea 

The treatment is also known to increase the chances of the following: 

  • Blood clots and stroke
  • Endometrial cancer (only in those who still have their uterus intact and are not taking progestin alongside estrogen)
  • Breast cancer upon long-term use
  • Dementia if one starts the treatment after midlife
  • Gallstone/ gallbladder issues  

If you are considering hormone therapy, reviewing the potential risks and benefits individually with your healthcare provider is essential. 

Alternative Treatments and Management

A number of substitute treatments exist for hormonal therapy, including: 

  • Alternative medicine, such as homeopathy, acupuncture, and acupressure 
  • Bladder training
  • Herbal medicine
  • Complementary therapy, where several interventions are used alongside traditional medicine
  • Non-hormonal prescriptions, such as antidepressants
  • Exercises and lifestyle changes that can help to manage symptoms

Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Middle Tennessee

Urinary incontinence is a prevalent condition affecting many individuals, particularly postmenopausal women. Hormone replacement therapy can help alleviate this affliction, mainly through estrogen supplementation to help revive the vigor of your reproductive tract. However, this therapy has several risks, and you should only do it after consulting with your doctor to know what is best for your unique case. If you have additional questions about the impact of hormone therapy on UI or about UI in general, contact our team to speak to a medical concierge.

Overview, Prevention Tips, and Home Remedies for UTIs

At least 3 in 25 men and 10 in 25 women acquire urinary tract infections once in their lifetime. UTIs occur when bacteria from the digestive tract infect your kidneys, ureter, urethra, or bladder.

Like any disease, urinary tract infections present with an array of discomforts. For instance, they cause pelvic pain and a burning sensation when urinating. UTIs also cause a strong urge to urinate, which can be intense for people with urinary incontinence.

Understanding Urinary Incontinence (UI)

Urinary incontinence impairs one’s ability to control their bladder. Typically, this condition results from weakened pelvic floor muscles or nerve damage. Doctors may categorize it into one of the following incontinence types:

  • Stress incontinence: In this type of UI, urine leaks upon exerting pressure on the bladder. This pressure may be a result of activities such as coughing or laughing.
  • Urge incontinence: People with urge incontinence get a sudden and intense urge to urinate. The urge often leads to involuntary leakage before getting to the restroom.
  • Functional incontinence: Functional incontinence affects people with physical and mental limitations. These impairments, similarly, prevent patients from accessing the restroom in time.
  • Overflow incontinence: Patients with overflow incontinence have intermittent dribbling of urine.

Although not related, urinary tract infections often complicate UI. Patients with UTI and UI experience heightened urgency and frequency of urination. They find it hard to control their bladder.

Causes of UTIs

Escherichia coli is the major culprit for urinary tract infections. Normally, these microbes reside in the gastrointestinal tract and find their way into the urinary tract through the urethra. While UTIs affect anyone, some people are at greater risk. These individuals include:

  • Females
  • Sexually active people
  • Women at menopause
  • People with a suppressed immune system
  • Patients using a catheter

When to Consult a Healthcare Professional

While you can manage UTI symptoms at home, you should always seek a doctor’s counsel. Doctors can prescribe the right medication to prevent complications and recurrence. In particular, you should consult a doctor under the following circumstances:

  • Persistent, severe symptoms
  • Presence of blood in urine
  • Recurring UTIs

Home Remedies for UTIs

The most common remedies you’d want to try out when treating a UTI include:

1. Drinking Plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water increases urine production. In return, the urine helps flush bacteria in the bladder and urethra. To flush out the bacteria, take at least 1.5 liters or 12 8-ounce cups of water daily.

2. Cranberry Juice

Cranberry is not a new remedy in the realm of medicine. People have used it to treat bladder and kidney infections for centuries. The juice’s medicinal value is linked to proanthocyanidins, a compound that prevents E. coli from sticking to urinary tract linings.

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps manage UTIs in two main ways. For one, it supports the production of white blood cells, which fight infections. Moreover, the vitamins acidify urine, eliminating bacteria in the urinary tract.

4. Probiotics

Probiotics reduce the risk of UTIs by helping maintain a healthy gut and urinary tract flora. These good bacteria are available in fermented foods like yogurt. Moreover, you can purchase them as dietary supplements.

5. Baking Soda

Baking soda neutralizes the acidity of urine, reducing discomfort during urination. Using baking soda as a UTI remedy is straightforward. Dissolve half or one teaspoon in a glass of water. Take the mixture on an empty stomach.

6. Avoiding Irritants

Avoid douches, powders, and personal care products with irritants when you have a UTI. The irritants can exacerbate more discomfort in the genital area. Use fragrance-free products as they don’t have harsh chemicals.

7. Applying Heat

Suppose your UTI causes pain, soak a clean cloth or towel in warm water. Afterward, use the towel to warm-compress the lower abdomen. The compressions will help soothe cramping. Always ensure the compresses are not too hot so you don’t hurt your skin.

8. Emptying the Bladder Regularly

When nursing a UTI, urinate frequently to flush out bacteria in the urinary tract. Avoid holding in urine, as that can cause more discomfort.

Prevention Tips

There are many ways to prevent UTIs. For one, you can wipe from front to back after using the restroom. This practice minimizes the risk of spreading bacteria.

Other ways to keep the risk of UTI low include:

  • Urinating before and after sexual activity
  • Wearing breathable cotton underwear
  • Avoiding tight-fitting pants

Manage Your UTIs at Home

There are many remedies for UTIs, from taking enough water to warm compresses. Some of these treatment options reduce symptoms like pain, and others flush the bacteria out of the urinary tract. 

Since the home remedies don’t treat the root cause, ensure you seek medical attention alongside using the home remedies. Otherwise, the infections could spread to the kidneys and cause complications.

If you are experiencing symptoms of UTIs or urge incontinence, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Here at the Incontinence Institute, we can help you navigate the challenges associated with incontinence.  Contact us today for more information. 

Taking Control of Prostate Health: Awareness Month Insights

In the United States, over 3 million men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer are still alive today, thanks in part to the health, fundraising, and educational activities of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. 

What and When is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month?

In 1989, Dr. David E. Crawford reached out to several organizations and individuals to form the Prostate  Cancer Education Council with the aim of spreading awareness about the disease in order to increase early detection rates. That same year, the Council launched Prostate Cancer Awareness Week in the third week of September. 

Ten years later, the Urology Care Foundation designated the entire month of September Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, and in 2015 President Obama proclaimed National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

 Throughout the month, organizations across the country participate in charitable activities, educational events, and health screenings in order to:

  • Educate men and their loved ones about the risks, signs, and symptoms of prostate cancer
  • Provide life-saving prostate health screenings to increase early detection rates
  • Offer fundraising activities to help organizations that support prostate cancer patients and families
  • Campaign for research and public policies that help better manage and treat the condition

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month begins September 1st, and a light blue ribbon is worn to represent support. The Prostate Cancer Foundation provides activity ideas if you’d like to get involved.

What is Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is a condition in which normal prostate cells become abnormal, and grow out of control. It affects the prostate gland, which is a gland located in the male groin that’s similar in size to a golf ball. 

When healthy, the prostate gland uses hormones called ‘androgens’ (such as testosterone) to regulate normal reproduction and male sexual characteristics. 

However, when cancer cells reproduce in the prostate gland, they use these androgens as their energy source in order to grow out of control and stop the healthy prostate cells from working properly. 

Each year approximately 248,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, and those 55 and older are at increased risk. For non-Hispanic African American men and those with a family history of the disease, the risk may increase beginning as early as 40 years old.

It’s recommended to talk to your doctor or healthcare provider about yearly prostate health screenings once you reach the age of increased risk. This helps cut down on the chances of prostate cancer spreading, or metastasizing, to the tissues and organs surrounding the prostate gland and increases your chances of successful treatment.

What Causes Prostate Cancer?

The exact cause of prostate cancer is still unknown. Risk factors for the condition include:

Inherited Gene Mutations

Research indicates that certain inherited gene mutations can change prostate cells from normal-functioning to cancerous. These are mutations that are handed down from family members. For example, ‘tumor suppressor genes’ help repair DNA mutations, regulate cell growth, and properly trigger cell death. Likewise, genes known as ‘oncogenes’ ensure healthy cell division, growth, and lifecycles. It’s estimated that about 10% of prostate cancer is due to mutations in these tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes. This means that these genes’ normal healthy repair and regulation functions stop working, making it easier for prostate cancer cells to thrive.  

Acquired Gene Mutations

Acquired gene mutations are another underlying cause of prostate cancer. These are gene mutations that happen during men’s lifetimes, and they can lead to DNA cell replication errors that cause out-of-control growth of cancer cells. While it’s not always known why acquired gene mutations occur, they have been linked to certain lifestyle factors such as poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. Naturally high levels of androgens may be another risk factor, and research is ongoing to determine the exact reasons these gene mutations occur.

Prostate Cancer and Incontinence

Does prostate cancer cause incontinence?

Prostate cancer may increase your risk of developing incontinence. There are actually a few reasons why prostate cancer and incontinence may occur:

  • An enlarged prostate gland: This can occur due to tumor growth or inflammation. The gland’s enlarged size puts pressure on the urethra. 
  • Post-surgical incontinence: Prostate surgery may weaken the muscles that control urine flow.  

When there’s pressure on the urethra, it narrows and this can lead to stress incontinence.  This happens when you cough, sneeze, or exert yourself physically.  The other type of incontinence is known as urge incontinence, and it’s an involuntary contraction of the bladder muscles. Both of these are types of urinary incontinence.

Prostate cancer incontinence can also occur due to radiotherapy therapy treatment or surgery that causes an injury or weakness in the rectal muscle layer.  This is known as fecal incontinence.

Advanced prostate cancer that spreads to the spine and forms tumors that damage the nerves controlling the bowels and bladder is a much less common cause of urinary and fecal incontinence.  

To find out if you might be experiencing prostate cancer incontinence, take our Urinary Incontinence Self-Assessment and Fecal Incontinence Self-Assessment.

How to Treat Prostate Cancer Incontinence

Incontinence related to prostate cancer may last just a few days or weeks, or it might be ongoing for several months or longer. Here are several treatment options available to help you better manage your symptoms, heal after treatment, and regain more control over your life.

  • Behavioral: Changing certain lifestyle habits can help you better manage prostate cancer incontinence. This would include keeping a regular urination schedule and monitoring when and how often you drink liquids. Certain dietary modifications can be helpful as well, especially for fecal (bowel) incontinence.
  • Medical: Urethral sling implants can be surgically inserted around the urethra and connected to the urinary wall to help with urine retention, especially for those dealing with stress incontinence. Hemorrhoid banding is used to block off blood supply to internal or sometimes external hemorrhoids that form as a consequence of fecal (bowel) incontinence. Artificial urinary sphincter pumps can be implanted under your stomach muscles to allow you to control when you release your urine manually. In addition, Botox® Treatment may be used for reducing overstimulation of the nerves connected to your bladder.
  • Exercises: Pelvic floor exercises like Kegels help strengthen your muscles so you gain control of your bladder and bowel.  Working with a physical therapist who utilizes biofeedback helps pinpoint the areas that need work so a personalized training plan can be set up for you.
  • Medications: There are several medications your doctor can prescribe to help with your symptoms, depending on the underlying cause of your incontinence. They include alpha-blockers, mirabegron, anticholinergics, Metamucil, and medications to help alleviate diarrhea. These typically will be in the form of a pill, liquid, or powder supplement, or sometimes a patch or cream.
  • Sacral Nerve Stimulation: This is a type of therapy that delivers tiny electrical impulses in order to regulate sacral nerve activity, which helps the nerves interpret brain signals properly in order to control bladder and bowel functioning. To send these electrical impulses, a device is implanted under the skin in the pelvic region above the buttocks. The types of sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) devices include:
    • InterStim: The InterStim II doesn’t need recharging and should be replaced every 5 years, while the InterStim Micro device needs to be recharged once a week for 20 minutes, and replaced every 15 years.
    • Axonics: This is the wireless version of an SNS therapy device. It requires recharging once a month for about an hour and is replaced every 15 years. 

Contact us today at the Incontinence Institute to connect with a doctor in the network who will work with you to diagnose and treat your prostate cancer-related incontinence symptoms.

What to Expect After Gallbladder Removal Surgery

Surgical removal of the gallbladder is a highly effective treatment for gallstones, offered in two main forms: open and laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

In the traditional open approach, patients usually stay in the hospital for two to three days. The surgeon makes a large six-inch incision in the abdomen to access and remove the gallbladder. Sometimes drainage tubes may be inserted to help remove fluids, and are typically removed after a few days.

The laparoscopic procedure, however, is less invasive. The surgeon creates four small incisions in the abdomen and uses a small video camera (laparoscope) to guide the removal of the gallbladder. This is typically done as an outpatient procedure, but proper postoperative care and lifestyle adjustments are vital for a speedy recovery and a smooth return to daily life. 

Eating and Dieting After Gallbladder Surgery

The gallbladder has a vital role in digestion by storing, concentrating, and releasing bile, a liquid produced by the liver that aids in breaking down fatty foods.

When gallbladder surgery is needed, its absence doesn’t disrupt digestion much. Instead of being stored, bile goes directly from the liver to the small intestine. However, as your body gets used to this change, you might struggle with digesting certain foods in the first few weeks after the surgery.

During your home recovery, start by slowly reintroducing foods through dietary modification. Begin with clear liquids and soft foods to ease your digestive system back into action. You can gradually add low-fat and easy-to-digest foods to your diet as you feel better. If you experience bloating, diarrhea, or gas, you should temporarily avoid some foods. Opt for smaller, more nutritious meals like lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables while skipping high-fat, fried, and spicy foods. For most people, getting back to a regular diet takes about a month after gallbladder surgery.

Stomach Changes After Gallbladder Surgery

It’s quite common to experience mild swelling and bloating after gallbladder surgery. Surgical gas is introduced into the stomach cavity during the surgical procedure to create sufficient room for the surgeon to work. Despite efforts to eliminate most of this gas after the surgery, some remain in the body. As a result, you might feel discomfort and bloating in your stomach.

This initial swelling following gallbladder surgery is perfectly normal. Although this effect is unavoidable, it’s temporary and manageable, and in most cases, the swelling should subside within a few weeks after the surgery.

Signs of Complications After Gallbladder Surgery

Apart from the expected digestive effects, gallbladder removal carries a small risk of complications. These include: 

  • Bile leakage
  • Bile duct injury
  • Injury to surrounding structures
  • Postcholecystectomy syndrome (PCS)
  • Bleeding (Hemorrhage)

Some people might experience ongoing symptoms like persistent fever, increasing pain, abdominal swelling, jaundice, nausea, and vomiting. These symptoms tend to be mild, but if they persist, consult your doctor for possible treatments, including removing any remaining gallstones through surgery or using medication to ease the symptoms.

How to Sleep After Gallbladder Surgery

Sleeping after gallbladder surgery might be a challenge due to the diminishing effect of pain medication over time. Here are some positioning tips for comfortable sleep:

  • Consider sleeping on your left side or back to reduce the pain.
  • Use pillows to provide extra support for your abdomen.
  • Sleep on your back with an elevated upper body
  • Gradually transition back to preferred sleep positions over a few weeks
  • Take pain medication.
  • Avoid heavy meals before bedtime.
  • Try aromatherapy or other relaxation techniques at bedtime.
  • Avoid distractions while in bed.

How Long After Gallbladder Surgery Can I Have Sex?

As soon as you feel physically ready, you can engage in sex, being cautious not to put pressure on your healing wounds until they’re fully healed. Typically, doctors advise waiting about one to two weeks before having sex, depending on your specific situation.

If you continue to feel any discomfort, it’s a signal that you might need more time to rest before attempting intercourse. Always prioritize your comfort and listen to your body during your recovery journey.

Resuming Activities After Gallbladder Surgery

  • Rest is essential during your recovery. Listen to your body and rest whenever you feel tired. 
  • Incorporate daily walks into your routine, gradually increasing the distance each day. Walking is beneficial in preventing blood clots in your legs and minimizing the risk of pneumonia.
  • Avoid strenuous activities like biking, jogging, weightlifting, and aerobic exercises until your doctor gives you the green light.

Most people can return to their regular lives after gallbladder removal. Successful adjustment often involves adopting coping strategies like lifestyle changes and managing fat intake for a smoother transition post-surgery. Although, some patients may experience fecal incontinence after gallbladder surgery.

Trusted, Confidential Incontinence Treatment in Middle Tennessee

If you have questions about stress incontinence treatment or other options, don’t hesitate to contact our team. A medical concierge is standing by to answer your questions and offer solutions befitting your needs. Want to learn more about treating incontinence? Visit our treatment options page.