Frequently Asked Questions

Incontinence is the involuntary release of urine or stool from the bladder or bowels. It affects men and women of all ages and is not a natural part of the aging process.

There are many types of incontinence with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. At the Incontinence Institute, we treat incontinence through a variety of methods to successfully reduce or eliminate incontinence in our patients.

  • 33 million American adults are estimated to suffer from overactive bladder syndrome (OAB), also called urge incontinence.
  • 1/3 of men and women in the 30-70 age range have experienced a complete loss of bladder control during their lifetime.
  • 18 million Americans are suspected to have bowel incontinence but the number could be significantly higher as sufferers often avoid bringing their bowel incontinence issues to their physicians for help.

There are many possible causes for incontinence. In women, incontinence is often because of weakness or damage in the pelvic floor muscles, usually from childbirth. Other causes, for both men and women, include aging, nerve damage, other medical conditions, or complications from treatment of another health issue.

Yes, there are several types of bladder and bowel incontinence:

Bladder Incontinence

  • Stress Incontinence
  • Urge Incontinence / Overactive Bladder Syndrome
  • Mixed Incontinence
  • Functional Incontinence
  • Overflow Incontinence
  • Reflex Incontinence

Bowel Incontinence

  • Passive Incontinence
  • Urge Incontinence
  • Fecal Seepage

Curing incontinence is entirely possible.

The symptoms associated with incontinence range in severity and affect every patient differently. We offer a variety of treatment options for incontinence and work closely with patients on individualized treatment plans. At the Incontinence Institute, our ultimate goal is curing incontinence and bettering quality of life.

Please do not get discouraged during this time. Results depend on the treatment options customized for you by one of our physicians. Some individuals see results immediately while others see a gradual reduction in their symptoms over the course of time. Often, insurance providers will require trials of several methods of treatment. Please do not get discouraged. We are here to help guide you through this process as quickly and safely as possible to return you to the quality of life you deserve.

The Incontinence Institute offers a variety of treatments for incontinence with each carrying its own level of risk. Your physician will cover, in detail, everything you need to know about each appropriate treatment option for you, including what to expect and possible risks. Surgery may be recommended. Our highly trained physicians adhere to the strictest guidelines of safety and quality patient care. Your safety is our first priority.

InterStim Therapy is a highly effective, FDA-approved, long term treatment option for multiple forms of bladder and bowel incontinence. InterStim is a small neurostimulation device, similar to a pacemaker, that works by stimulating your body’s sacral nerves, which control bladder and bowel function. The device, about the size of a half dollar, can be implanted in less than 30 minutes at an outpatient or ambulatory surgery center. Learn more about InterStim.

A bladder sling, or urethral sling, is an effective treatment option for stress incontinence, incontinence brought on by physical movements like laughing, coughing, or sneezing. The sling provides support for a sagging bladder neck and/or urethra to alleviate bladder control symptoms. Learn more about bladder slings.

To learn more, contact our team or call our discreet, dedicated Medical Concierge at 1.888.741.6403.