Biofeedback Therapy for Incontinence

The pelvic floor muscles help control bladder and bowel function. If these muscles are weakened or damaged, incontinence can occur.

If bladder incontinence is due to weakening muscle problems or nerve issues, physical therapy may be a recommended treatment option. Physical therapy is typically prescribed in conjunction with other treatment options.

Biofeedback is a painless treatment method, providing personalized on-the-spot feedback about a particular function in the body. Biofeedback involves attaching sensors to the body and working with a physical therapist to learn mental and physical exercises to control muscles.

With bladder incontinence, biofeedback is often used if you have:

  • Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction
  • Urgency or frequent urination
  • Difficulty emptying the bladder
  • Pelvic pain

It may also be used prior to surgery to reduce the likelihood of developing such problems. Through the use of small sensors attached on the outside of the body, you will learn when to contract the anal sphincter muscles retraining them to be more effective. This form of behavioral therapy helps to establish and maintain control of bowel habits.

Biofeedback Therapy Near Nashville, TN

Take control of your bladder health with the power of biofeedback and physical therapy. If weakened or damaged pelvic floor muscles are causing bladder incontinence, physical therapy, including biofeedback, may be a recommended treatment option. Through painless and personalized feedback, biofeedback empowers you to learn mental and physical exercises, regaining control of your muscles.

To learn more, contact our team or call our discreet, dedicated Medical Concierge at 1.888.741.6403.