Dietary Modification

Changing your lifestyle is an important first step when suffering from bowel control issues or bowel incontinence. Dietary modification is typically the first attempt at treatment – it is noninvasive and easy to try at home. It’s possible that your bowel incontinence may be the result of a food allergy in your intestines.

A good first step is to write down every food and drink you are consuming, and when you have a bowel movement, an urge, a leak, or any other symptom. This can help you identify foods that trigger your bowel symptoms. Try to eliminate those foods or drinks (because it could be something like coffee) and see how you feel.

Slowly adding suspected negative foods back into your diet and experiencing the same symptoms will confirm that your body is not responding well. Spend a month or more documenting your foods and see how you feel.

If you are really not sure what foods are irritating your bowel symptoms, try avoiding these foods and drinks that are known to contribute to bowel control issues:

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Dairy products
  • Chocolate
  • Spicy foods
  • Cured meats
  • Greasy and fried foods
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Citrus fruits

Dietary Treatment Options in Middle Tennessee

Discover a better life through simple changes. Take the first step in managing bowel incontinence by modifying your diet. Keep a journal to track your symptoms, eliminate potential triggers, and reintroduce foods to identify irritants. Get started today and empower yourself to embrace a life with newfound freedom and confidence.

To learn more, contact our team or call our discreet, dedicated Medical Concierge at 1.888.741.6403.