What is Nocturia?

Nocturia refers to nighttime urination – people who have nocturia wake up frequently to use the bathroom. Though all incontinence is characterized by its disruption of daily life, nocturia is particularly impactful because it interrupts a key human function – sleep. So, alongside frequent urination, leaks, and the inability to control one’s bladder, individuals who wake up two or more times at night to use the restroom often suffer from lower quality sleep. Consistent sleep disturbance can translate to lethargy during waking hours and may contribute to the development of depression, dysfunctional mood regulation, as well as the incidence of type 2 diabetes (T2D), obesity, and cardiovascular disease.

What Causes Frequent Nighttime Urination?

Nocturia can be a side effect of underlying bladder issues, a medication side effect, as well as symptom of an underlying medical condition. However, causes may also be impacted by individual behavior. Nocturia may very well be a byproduct of the beverages that an individual consumes – particularly those close to bedtime. Caffeinated drinks like soda and coffee, as well as alcohol, can contribute to this problem. In some cases, individuals are simply drinking too much right before bed.

There are several different reasons people may actually make more urine at night, which can be one cause of nocturia. These are as follows:

  • Nocturnal polyuria: When the body produces greater-than-average amounts of urine at night. While you sleep, your body produces smaller amounts of more concentrated urine, in comparison to your waking hours. Ideally as a result an individual is able to sleep 6-8 hours without interruption. An individual may be diagnosed with nocturnal polyuria when their nighttime urine volume exceeds 20-30% of their total urine volume over the course of one day.
  • Global polyuria: Just like nocturnal polyuria, this is an overproduction of urine. However, this overproduction occurs during waking hours, as well.

Outside of these causes, the onset of nocturia in women may be triggered by the impacts of pregnancy or childbirth, menopause, and/or pelvic organ prolapse. In contrast, nocturia in men may be attributed to an enlarged prostate. In both men and women, it is critical to have a health care provider determine if the nocturia is from a lower urinary tract or systemic cause.

How to Stop Frequent Urination at Night

As always, prior to self-diagnosis and taking symptom management into your own hands, meet with a medical professional to receive a diagnosis and implement a treatment plan. Our board-certified, industry leading physicians address the needs of patients suffering from nocturia with customized treatment plans supported by cutting-edge technology and procedures.

If you are suffering any of the above symptoms, or if bladder over activity is drastically affecting your daily life, reach out to one of our medical professionals to see how you can restore yourself to a higher quality of life. Call 1.888.741.6403 to schedule a consultation today, and let us empower you to live the leak-free life you deserve.