Urinary Incontinence in Men

Did you know that up to 11% of the male population suffers from urinary incontinence? This is a lower percentage than for women, but, this does not diminish the fact that millions of men must cope with urinary incontinence. If you are a man who suffers from UI, know that you are not alone.

Types of Incontinence

The types of incontinence in men are comprised of three main categories: Stress Incontinence, Urge Incontinence, and Overflow Incontinence. Stress Incontinence means that a person will lose urine involuntarily when their body is put under stress, possibly from lifting heavy objects, coughing, or even laughing. Urge Incontinence is when a person feels a sudden, urgent, and unstoppable urge to urinate. Finally, Overflow Incontinence means that urine leaks consistently and is characterized by frequent urination, often in small amounts. Those who suffer from incontinence may experience one, two, or all three of these types.

Central Nervous System (CNS)

Male Urinary Incontinence is often associated with nervous system problems. Diabetes has the potential to cause nerve damage over time, which can result in loss of bladder control. And, a stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, and Multiple Sclerosis can all cause urinary symptoms. The Central Nervous System (CNS) is critical to proper bladder function, so anything which interrupts nerve signals to the bladder has the potential to result in incontinence.

Prostate Related Incontinence

While nervous system related incontinence is possible for both men and women, the prostate presents a uniquely male cause for Urinary Incontinence. As a man ages, a process called Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) can occur, which simply means that the prostate has increased in size. As the prostate enlarges, it can begin to put pressure on the urethra. This pressure can result in a number of urinary symptoms, ranging from hesitancy to urge incontinence. When this happens, difficulty starting and maintaining a stream of urine is common, and, Overflow Incontinence also frequently reported. While removal of an enlarged or cancerous prostate may seem like the solution to this problem, Radical Prostatectomy, the total removal of the prostate, can result in Urinary Incontinence symptoms of its own.

As always, prior to self-diagnosis and taking symptom management into your own hands, meet with a medical professional to receive a diagnosis and implement a treatment plan. Our board-certified, industry-leading physicians address the needs of patients suffering from Urinary and Fecal Incontinence with customized treatment plans, supported by cutting-edge technology and procedures.

If you are suffering any of the above symptoms, or if bladder overactivity is drastically affecting your daily life, reach out to one of our medical professionals to see how you can restore yourself to a higher quality of life. Call 1.615.547.2938 to schedule a consultation today, and let us empower you to live the leak-free life you deserve.


  • https://www.medicinenet.com/urinary_incontinence/article.htm#how_is_urinary_incontinence_ui_in_men_diagnosed
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1476070/