Managing Adult Bed-Wetting: Causes, Remedies, and More

Adult bed-wetting is a medical condition that can cause discomfort and embarrassment. Dealing with the effects of adult bed-wetting can disrupt sleep patterns and can diminish an individual’s quality of life.

Individuals who suffer from adult bed-wetting, whether it is new to you or something you have endured for some time, can find help. It is important to understand the underlying cause, which can lead to an appropriate solution.

Overview of Adult Bed-Wetting

Adult bed-wetting, also called “nocturnal enuresis,” or nighttime incontinence, is a medical condition where an adult begins to release urine while asleep. While childhood bed-wetting occurs frequently and can have no serious underlying cause, adult bed-wetting is considered uncommon. Adult bed-wetting is also distinct from nocturia, which is simply when a person gets up on a regular basis at night to go to the bathroom.

Given the rarity of the condition, many patients feel that their adult bed-wetting is isolating and embarrassing. This stigma can make it difficult for patients to seek medical care, as they may assume that there are no effective treatments available.

If you find yourself among the 1%-2% of people who suffer from adult bed-wetting, you do not need to feel hopeless. You can take charge of your health, and find answers and treatments that work for you.

What Causes Bed-Wetting in Adults?

Adult bed-wetting often has treatable causes. You can talk to your doctor about possibilities, such as personal medical conditions. 

  1. Medical Conditions

Some underlying medical conditions can affect the bladder and urinary system so bed-wetting occurs in an adult. These include, but may not be limited to the following:

  • Diabetes 
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Neurological disorders
  • Stress and emotional factors

Emotional distress or underlying stress can present in adults as bed-wetting.

  1. Medication Side Effects

Some medications can relax the muscles that encourage the bladder to hold urine until the morning, causing bed-wetting.

  1. Alcohol and Caffeine Consumption

Both alcohol and caffeine, especially around bedtime, can stimulate the bladder and lead to bed-wetting. Limiting the amount consumed before bedtime may help improve your condition. 

  1. Sleep Disorders

Sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder, may lead to bed-wetting. If you suffer from sleep apnea, talk to your doctor about how it may be causing your nighttime incontinence.

Home Remedies for Bed-Wetting in Adults

Sometimes, lifestyle modifications can manage the effects of bed-wetting in adults. These might include:

  1. Monitoring Fluid Intake

While dehydration should be avoided, monitoring fluid intake, especially before bedtime, can make bed-wetting more unlikely.

  1. Pelvic Floor Exercises

Some patients find relief from their adult bed-wetting by strengthening the pelvic muscles that control urine flow.

  • Limiting caffeine and alcohol consumption
  • Establishing a regular bathroom routine
  • Managing stress through relaxation techniques

Treatments for Bed-Wetting in Adults

If home remedies do not relieve your symptoms, consult with a healthcare provider. Your doctor can help you decide on a path forward to treat bed-wetting, which may include:

  1. Behavioral interventions

Behavioral interventions can help manage bed-wetting and disrupt the pattern, so you feel more comfortable. Your doctor may recommend a system of:

  • Bed-wetting alarms to wake the individual at the first sign of moisture
  • Bladder training techniques
  1. A Review of Your Medications

Your doctor may review your medications and see if any could be adjusted to relieve the extra pressure on your urinary system and end bed-wetting.

  1. Medical Procedures

Some interventions like botulinum toxin injections or nerve stimulation for refractory cases may offer specific patients relief.

 Support and Coping Strategies

How can you cope with the emotional impact of adult bed-wetting? These tips may help:

  • Seek counseling or support groups.
  • Maintain your self-esteem through positive self-talk.
  • Openly communicate with partners or roommates about the steps you are taking to manage your medical condition.
  • Use protective bedding and take other practical measures to relieve the discomfort of adult bed-wetting.

Seeking Treatment for Nighttime Incontinence in Middle Tennessee

Adult bed-wetting is a medical condition that can be managed through home remedies and with the help of an experienced healthcare provider. If you have suffered from an onset of adult bed-wetting, work with your doctor to explore various options and find the approach that is best suited to your individual situation. The Incontinence Institute can help you partner with a provider who can guide you through the potential causes of adult bed-wetting. Together, we can find a treatment plan that works for you. Contact our team today!