Weight Loss Surgery May Also Improve UI

Weight-loss surgery may help you avoid obesity-related diseases like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and now a new study from the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine shows it can also help improve urinary incontinence in women who have the surgery.

The study evaluated women who lost about 30 percent of their body weight within a year of having weight-loss surgery.Two-thirds of those who reported suffering from urinary incontinence prior to surgery were relieved of their UI symptoms at the end of those 12 months. The remaining one-third of women with UI prior to weight-loss surgery said their incontinence symptoms had significantly improved.

People who have experienced significant weight gains or who are obese tend to suffer from incontinence issues because of the added pressures on the both bladder and pelvic floor muscles that control the bladder. Losing weight reduces those pressures. For years, doctors have advised women who are overweight and suffering from incontinence to lose weight in an effort to decrease UI symptoms.

Of course, the researchers note in their study, weight-loss surgery carries its own risks, including digestive problems, heart attack and stroke, and many surgeries involve removing a portion of the stomach, which means they’re irreversible. The pros and cons of weight loss surgery should be carefully considered and discussed at length with a physician familiar with the various types of procedures available today.

If you are overweight and suffering from incontinence, schedule an appointment to see your physician to discuss the best options for you. If you are already considering or planning to undergo weight-loss surgery, know that leaving your UI symptoms behind could be an additional benefit.

There are many incontinence solutions available today. Give us a call at (800) 771-1953 to learn more.