Urinary Retention

Urinary retention is technically the opposite of overactive bladder, but some of the symptoms are similar. Are you constantly running to the restroom but nothing is coming out? Are you unable to tell when your bladder is full? Do you wake up more than two times per night to go to the bathroom?

Then you may be suffering from urinary retention. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), it is the inability to completely or partially empty the bladder. Symptoms vary but generally you may be unable to start urination, or unable to fully empty your bladder if you do start urinating. You may also feel frequent urges, but have no success when you get to the toilet.

There are two types of urinary retention: chronic urinary retention and acute. With chronic urinary retention, you may be able to urinate but it can be difficult to start or your bladder just does not empty completely. Acute urinary retention is the inability to urinate at all, and it is classified as a medical emergency. The treatment for acute urinary retention is catheterization.

Chronic urinary retention is treated in different ways depending on the cause. There are two types of chronic urinary retention, obstructive or non-obstructive. Non-obstructive is more common and could be caused by stroke, childbirth, pelvic injury, damaged nerves or brain or spinal cord damage. Non-obstructive urinary retention can be caused by weak bladder muscles and nerve damage that interferes with the signals being sent from the brain to the bladder to either hold in or release urine.

Obstructive urinary retention is caused by cancer, kidney stones or enlarged prostate. In older men, enlarged prostate is the main culprit of urinary issues. The prostate can obstruct the bladder, and if left untreated the prostate will press against the bladder and weaken muscles, leading to myogenic bladder, or bladder failure.

Are you suffering from frequent urges, leaks, or other urination issues, contact us. Or call our discreet, dedicated Medical Concierge at 800-771-1953.