Can Physical Therapy Improve Incontinence?

If you suffer from incontinence and Kegels just haven’t helped reduce or resolve your symptoms, here’s another idea: Try working with a physical therapist. Physical therapists can help many women who suffer from certain types of incontinence develop stronger pelvic floor muscles to help them retain urine and prevent leakage. In fact, several studies have shown that working with a physical therapist can be a very effective way to reduce or even eliminate many types of incontinence symptoms.

Learning to do Kegels the correct way as well as how to incorporate them into daily living are critical to getting the maximum benefits from these exercises so you can avoid or reduce your use of other products including pads and even some medications. Plus, a physical therapist can work in conjunction with your regular doctor to ensure your condition is properly monitored and treated from all perspectives to maximize your chances of controlling your symptoms.

In most physical therapy practices, the therapist will evaluate you first, reviewing your medical records and performing an evaluation of the strength, motor control and endurance of your pelvic floor muscles, as well as a screening to check for the presence of other musculoskeletal problems or issues. Then, the therapist will work with you to design an exercise and strengthening routine individualized for your needs, educating you about your role in developing control of your incontinence symptoms.

Most therapists will also help you learn how to perform the exercises throughout the day, and they can also provide tips for those whose muscles are very weak and who may feel discouraged when beginning the Kegel exercise routine. Additionally, they can provide guidance on how to perform daily tasks so you minimize your risk of leaks.

If you’re experiencing the symptoms of incontinence, there’s no reason to suffer in silence. Today, there are lots of options for treating the condition and reducing symptoms or eliminating them altogether. The first step in feeling better again is to call the Incontinence Institute at (800) 771-1953 to schedule an appointment so you can be evaluated and begin your journey to a healthier, more confident future.