Learn What Causes Fecal Seepage and How To Treat It

What is Anal Seepage?

Fecal seepage is a bowel leak that occurs after a routine bowel movement. This leakage is unexpected and the sufferer is not able to hold it in.

Symptoms of Fecal Seepage

Fecal seepage happens after a bowel movement, and usually without warning. It involves an involuntary release of fecal matter, usually without urgency. Sufferers of fecal seepage may not realize that a leak has happened until later.

Seepage can occur for the two common types of fecal incontinence:

Urge Incontinence

Urge incontinence occurs when you have the sudden urge to go to the restroom and may not be able to make it in time, as fecal matter is discharged from the rectum even if there are attempts to hold it.

Passive Bowel Incontinence

Passive bowel incontinence happens when you are unaware that you passed stool and your brain doesn’t send a warning signal that the rectum is full.

Anal Leakage Treatment

Fecal seepage can be a symptom of an underlying condition, and it can even happen due to chronic constipation. It is important to see a physician for a proper diagnosis and to rule out serious conditions such as colorectal cancer.

Many people think they just have to live with this condition, or that there is no solution. The Incontinence Institute offers a range of treatment options to correct fecal seepage and other bowel problems.

Contact us or call one of our discreet, dedicated Medical Concierges at 800-771-1953 today for more information.